
Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

Mystic Messenger – Rute Untuk Yoosung

Jumin Han - PurpleZen - Gray
707 (Luciel Choi) - Red
Yoosung Kim - Green
Jaehee Kang - Orange
Zen (Ryu Hyun) - Gray Hearts

Alur cerita Yoosung di game ini, termasuk rute cerita casual alias Free atau biasa-biasa saja ,bisa juga di bilang jalur aman. Maksudnya, berbeda dengan rute deep-nya. 

Beberapa percakapan akan memiliki pilihan yang membuka pilihan lain.
(1) berarti Anda mendapatkan hati dari jawaban yang Anda pilih.
(-H) Berarti Anda kehilangan hati.

-- Day 5 --

~The Picture of the Last Party (01:28) – 707

What are you doing at night?
Seven, you’re still not sleeping? (+1 707)

I was just lonely…
I couldn’t sleep.

Seven, you’re good looking. (+1 707)
Yoosung feels a bit different from now. (+1 Yoosung)

And the other members?
Jaehee must have been nervous. (+1 707)

Do you think this party will be as successful?
Good memories.

Yoosung seems happy too. (+1 Yoosung)
Do you have any photos of Rika?

What was he like before? (+1 Yoosung)
Did something happen?

Did anything else happen? (+1 Yoosung)
I guess it’s nice to take a break since he went to college.

Only one option.

He’s only a sophomore. He still has a lot of time. (+1 Yoosung)

I do shield him.
Nah. It’s nothing like that.

It was good talking to you, Seven ^^ (+1 707)

~Robotic Assistant Kang (03:22) – Jumin, Jaehee

What are you guys doing this late?
Did you see the photo Seven sent?

Jaehee must have been nervous lolol (+1 Jaehee)
I think Yoosung is quite different now compared to back then.

Maybe he’s decided to relax for a while. (+1 707)
Maybe Yoosung changed.. because of Rika’s death? (+1 Yoosung)

Hope it goes well, both of you.
Golf clothing company? How about inviting them to the party? You will unlock emails from the Golf Company.

~Yoosoung in the Past (07:35) – Yoosung

Yoosung, good morning ^^
Did you brush your teeth after waking up? (+1 Yoosung)

I should be in the photo this time, right? lol (+1 Yoosung)
I heard you were student body president back then.

Let’s take photos of memories we’ll never forget. (+1 Yoosung)
I want to take a photo with just you. (+1 Yoosung)

Oh~ I’m touched! haha (+1 Yoosung)
Of course you do. (+1 Yoosung)

I will. (+1 Yoosung)
Don’t feel too burdened though. ^^ (+1 Yoosung)

~I Like How Things Are Now (09:43) – Zen

Zen, good morning.
Heya, Zen.

I think it’ll be comfortable for him to work at a company since he’s the obedient cute puppy type. (+1 Yoosung)
I think Yoosung is actually a very talented person. (+1 Yoosung)

I like seeing the relaxed Yoosung too. (+1 Yoosung)
I wish he could just do as I say. (+1 Yoosung)

Wish good luck to Yoosung ^^ (+1 Yoosung)
Good bye, Zen. (+1 Zen)

~Can I Wind a Spring? (12:30) – Jaehee, 707

Jaehee, did you eat lunch? (+1 Jaehee)
Seven, did you eat lunch? (+1 707)

I think Seven looks best in this photo. (+1 707)
lololol You look pretty in that photo, Jaehee.

I am a bit suspicious of Seven too. (+1 Jaehee)
Aren’t you being too aggressive? (+1 707)

What’s a floppy disk?
Aren’t you changing the subject?

Invite them to the party! You will unlock Floppy Disk Collectors after.
It’s a funny group.

I hope Yoosung becomes happy one day. (+1 Yoosung)
I’m worried about Yoosung’s future… (+1 Jaehee)
I don’t care about the past. I just want him to look at me… only me. (+1 Yoosung)

What the hell do you really do?
You’re no longer busy?

Can’t you tell me a tiny bit…?
Okay, alright. (+1 707)

Send Jumin my love. (+1 Jumin)
Good bye, Jaehee.

~ Jaehee leaves ~

Don’t think you’re a victim.
Don’t you think it’s because you tease Jaehee the most? (+1 707)
Maybe something is wrong with your attitude towards her. (-H 707)

Okay. Thank you, Seven. (+1 707)
Good bye, Seven.

~Yoosung’s Concern (13:22) – Yoosung

Yoosung, did you eat lunch? (+1 Yoosung)
Why are you so late. (+1 Yoosung)

Not yet.
I did.

Weren’t you just spacing out?
Omg T_T Look at my hand.

Be careful from now on. (+1 Yoosung)
Muah muah. (+1 Yoosung)

Say whatever you want to ^^ (+1 Yoosung)
Yes. What is it?

I feel like he’s scheming something in secret. (+1 Yoosung)
He seems like a nice person to me. (+1 707)

There much be something that only you can do. (+1 Yoosung)
I can be responsible for you, Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)

Good luck! ^^ (+1 Yoosung)
I’ll be watching you. Do a good job. (+1 Yoosung)

~Zen With an Injury (15:43) – Zen

Hello, Zen.
Did you finish rehearsal? (+1 Zen)

Did you do something wrong?

What’s up?
Why are you crying all of a sudden? You wimp lol

You should take care of your body.
Oh no… does it hurt a lot? (+1 Zen)

Don’t be so gloomy… Your health is more important. (+1 Zen)
If you push yourself too much, you’re bound to harm other people too. (-H Zen)

Then… how about inviting that doctor organisation to the party? You will unlock the Doctors Organisation
I’m glad it was a good hospital.

Cheer up, Zen! (+1 Zen)
You will get better before the party though, right?

~A Way of Releasing Anxiety (18:25) – Jumin, Yoosung

Yoosung, how was the library? (+1 Yoosung)
Jumin, did you come back from work? (+1 Jumin)

He has to get better before the party. (+1 Yoosung)
I’m worried that Zen works too much. (+1 Zen)

I want to make a lot of memories with you too, Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)
I’m excited to see how cute you are in real life. (+1 Yoosung)

Yoosung, how was studying today? (+1 Yoosung)
Jumin, it must have been difficult… (+1 Jumin)

I would want to hire you as an intern too, Yoosung.
Yoosung, you want to work at Jumin’s company? (+1 Yoosung)

I think it will be fun working with Yoosung~! (+1 Yoosung)
I want to make him do anything.. (+1 Yoosung)

You should take on challenges with more devotion. (+1 Jumin)
You should experience different things. (+1 Yoosung)

Because life is hard.
Yoosung is not helpless. (+1 Yoosung)

You’ll never escape from me now. (+1 Yoosung)
I want to be someone who helps you, Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)

All you need in this world is to be with the ones you love. (+1 Yoosung)
Don’t feel sad… I’m here. (+1 Yoosung)

What is making you talk like an old man… (+1 Yoosung, -H Jumin)
That’s good advice. (+1 Jumin)

Thanks for saying that. (+1 Yoosung)
Aren’t you mixing me up with Rika right now?

Of course. We’re different people. (+1 Yoosung)
I feel a bit similar to her… I feel like I can be what Rika used to be to Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)

What…?! (-H Jumin)
Yoosung is mine.

You’re mine.
We will have each other. (+1 Yoosung)

Yoosung, think of it as fun. Everything will work out. (+1 Yoosung)
Everything will work out if you just listen to me, Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)

~Jaehee Worries About Zen (20:11) – Jaehee

Jaehee, do you know that Zen hurt his ankle? (+1 Jaehee)
Jaehee, did you see Yoosung? (+1 Yoosung)

…The jealousy of a lonely person?
Are you not feeling well because he got hurt? (+1 Jaehee)

I’m glad Yoosung doesn’t do anything physical! He won’t get hurt. (+1 Yoosung)
I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive the world if Zen gets a scar on his ankle. (+1 Jaehee)
My Zen… I hope he takes care of himself. (+1 Zen, -H Jaehee)

Did you find something that can help the party?
You must really like Zen. (+1 Jaehee)

I’ll think about it…
I think they will be of help. Please tell them to contact me. (+1 Jaehee) You will unlock the Musical Industry Supporters after.

Have a good evening~. (+1 Jaehee)
Good bye.

~The People Who Makes Games (21:45) – Yoosung, 707

I’m here, Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)
Seven, what are you doing here? (+1 707)

I don’t believe it either lolol (+1 Yoosung)
Cat leaves from California work best. (+1 707)

Cat leaves.
You’re lying.

I can’t trust what Seven says. (+1 Yoosung)
Since he treats his injuries with cat leaves and Elizabeth, he’d heal quickly… (+1 707)

Yoosung will be able to defeat those bodyguards! (+1 Yoosung)

Seven, don’t you know how to make games?
Yoosung, you’ve grown up! (+1 Yoosung)


Seven, clean up your room.
Yoosung, why don’t you try learning how to make games? (+1 Yoosung)

It’s a good idea. You’ll unlock the Game Making Organisation emails after.
I’ll think about it.

That’s a good plan, Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)
Don’t think too much about the past and think about me too. (+1 Yoosung)

Serious Yoosung is cool. (+1 Yoosung)
I hope Yoosung is only serious towards me. (+1 Yoosung)

I feel like I should take care of Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)
My pleasure. (+1 Yoosung)

~After Looking at the Old Photo (23:07) – Yoosung

How is cleaning going? (+1 Yoosung)
Don’t stay up too late. (+1 Yoosung)

You didn’t have feelings for Rika, did you? (+1 Yoosung)
Volunteering work… was it fun? (+1 Yoosung)

Rika seems like a fantastic person.
I think I have a lot of similarities with Rika. (+1 Yoosung)

I want to be like Rika. (+1 Yoosung)
I am not Rika though. (+1 Yoosung)

If I was there for you, it would have been less difficult. (+1 Yoosung)
It must have been really hard… (+1 Yoosung)

You can think of me as Rika. If only you can be mine. (+1 Yoosung)
I’m not the same person as Rika, but I want to be someone valuable to you. (+1 Yoosung)

Yoosung, you’re cute. (+1 Yoosung)
Please just follow me from now on. (+1 Yoosung)

Yes. (+1 Yoosung)
I’m going to go to bed. (+1 Yoosung)

Day 5  Rute Yoosung End

--Day 6--

~Rika’s Relatives (01:03) – Zen, Jaehee

Zen, how is your ankle? (+1 Zen)
Jaehee, you’re up pretty late. (+1 Jaehee)

I think Rika is a very large part of Yoosung’s life. (+1 Yoosung)
I want Yoosung to rely on me. (+1 Yoosung)

I’m worried too. Get better soon. (+1 Zen)
I think Jaehee likes Zen. (+1 Jaehee)

I have to go to bed too~!
I’m going to stay up more.

Good night, Jaehee. (+1 Jaehee)
Zen, good night! (+1 Zen)

~Seven’s Gift (03:33) – Yoosung, 707

Yoosung, aren’t you going to bed yet? (+1 Yoosung)
Yoosung~ I missed you. (+1 Yoosung)

Seven, you’re still up?
Seven was here too;;

Wow. So nice. (+1 707)
I don’t feel so good about this… (+1 Yoosung)

lololololol (+1 707)
What is this for?

So it’s trash. (+1 Yoosung)
What a heartfelt gift. (+1 707)

I think that a healthier skill (?) is more appropriate for Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)
I’ll support anything that will make Yoosung happy. (+1 Yoosung)

You’ve never told me before. Tell me haha. (+1 Yoosung)
Is there a reason why I need to know? (-H Yoosung)

Good bye, Seven.
Good luck on work!

~ 707 leaves ~

I will always be with you ^^ Good bye, Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)
I’m glad to be your Rika. Good night. (+1 Yoosung)

~Kitten (07:05) – Jumin

Are you getting ready for work?
Jumin, good morning. (+1 Jumin)

Cat Shelter?
It’s so cute~

I see.
How about inviting the Cat Shelter people to the party? You will unlock Cat Shelter emails after.

Can Yoosung afford to raise a cat?
What about giving it to me?

I don’t know.
Something related to science?
Medicine? (+1 Yoosung)

I think everyone doesn’t care about Yoosung enough. I should take care of him. (+1 Yoosung)
That’s an insult lololol

Yoosung’s going to change from now on. I hope everyone encourages him ^^ (+1 Yoosung)
Jumin, sometimes you say the funniest things. (+1 Jumin)

Good bye~
Have a nice day ^^ (+1 Jumin)

~Who Will Be Raising the Kitten? (09:55) – Zen

Heya Zen.
Did you see Jumin’s photo of the kitten?

Because of the cat?

Is it because of your allergy? (+1 Zen)
Then that’s the reason.

I actually think it could surprisingly be engineering.
Maybe something in the arts?
I think it’s the humanities.

But would you have really…lol
Yeah, I guess you would have done so. (+1 Zen)

Sounds good. Let’s leave that option open.
I don’t think Jaehee would like them. (+1 Jaehee)

When are you getting rid of the cast? (+1 Zen)
You are a big help.

Cheer up, Zen.
Good bye, Zen. (+1 Zen)

~Yoosung’s Major (12:22) – Yoosung, Jaehee

Yoosung, did you see the photo of the cat? (+1 Yoosung)
Yoosung, did you have lunch? (+1 Yoosung)

I did.
Not yet.

I think that Jumin should take care of it too. (+1 Yoosung)
Why don’t you take care of it Jaehee? (-H Jaehee)

Ya (+1 Jaehee)
I want to see you in pain. (+1 Yoosung)

How about you taking care of it, Yoosung? (+1 Yoosung)

Since Jumin was born with a silver spoon in his mouth~
I actually don’t mind that you don’t work. (+1 Yoosung)

I think you’re kind of at fault here since no one knows, Yoosung lol
Jaehee, how could you… (+1 Yoosung)

Medicine (+1 Yoosung)

Yeah… Everyone’s so inconsiderate T_T (+1 Yoosung)
I don’t think that’s why… (+1 Jaehee)

Yeah. This is too much. Take responsibility for making Yoosung feel depressed! (+1 Yoosung)
Don’t be depressed, Yoosung. You can start talking all about your classes from now on. (+1 Yoosung)

Stop teasing Yoosung~ (+1 Yoosung)

Jaehee, what did you eat? (+1 Jaehee)
Yoosung, what are you going to have? (+1 Yoosung)

Let’s talk later~
Good bye, Yoosung.

~707 Loves Cats (14:30) – 707

Did you find out what Yoosung is majoring in?

Seven~ Did you look at the cat photo? (+1 707)

You find out about everything else, but you can’t for this?
Aren’t you trying not to find it?

Did you learn hacking at school? (+1 707)
Which school did you go to?

For real!? (+1 707)
lololol you’re lying.

You don’t like raising cats. You like harassing them.
Did you ever… actually raise a cat? (+1 707)

The party’s not a joke -_-
Good. Let’s all get high and invite it. Receive emails from Longcat.

I’ll look forward to Longcat the 2nd. (+1 707)
I’m getting worried…

Not excited. I’m worried -_- (+1 707)

~Kitten and Jumin (17:00) – Zen

Zen, how’s practice?
Zen, how’s your ankle? (+1 Zen)

I know… I thought she took care of herself. (+1 Zen)
Do you have feelings for Jaehee by any chance? (+1 Jaehee)

I actually think he’ll take good care of it lol (+1 707)
I agree. (+1 Zen)

I think Yoosung will do a good job too.
The cat kind of looks like Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)

Yeah… A little bit. (+1 Yoosung)
Yoosung feels like my pet or a little brother. (+1 Yoosung)

^^ (+1 Yoosung)

Good bye, Zen.
Get better soon! You have to. (+1 Zen)

~Find The Right Owner (18:45) – Jumin, Jaehee

Jumin, what happened to the cat? (+1 Jumin)
Jaehee, are you going to take care of the cat? (+1 Jaehee)

Maybe this cat will be different. (+1 Jumin)
You should respect Jaehee’s opinion. (+1 Jaehee)

I don’t think that’s a good idea… (+1 Jumin)
Good idea! (+1 707)

I hope so. (+1 Yoosung)
I think he thinks of me as Rika. (+1 Yoosung)

I want to be like Rika to Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)
I know.

What do you think, Jumin? (+1 Jumin)
Thank you, Jaehee. (+1 Jaehee)

You’re very busy. (+1 Jumin)
Where are you going?

Jaehee, how about that?
I don’t think that incentive will work… (+1 Jaehee)

Can’t you log into the messenger yourself and read the messages? (+1 Jaehee)
You must be busy with work and yet… you’re putting a lot of care into the organisation. (+1 Jumin)

Bye, Jumin! (+1 Jumin)
Bring some party guests for me~ (+1 Jaehee)

~ Jumin leaves ~

I’ll do as I please. Good bye, Jaehee.
Thanks for worrying, Jaehee. (+1 Jaehee)

~Just Like Rika (19:50) – Yoosung, 707

Heya Seven. (+1 707)
Yoosung, Jumin says that he’ll give you a bottle of wine if you keep the cat. (+1 Yoosung)

There’s nothing you can’t do if you want it enough lol. I want to see you raise the cat. (+1 Yoosung)
I’m going to raise Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)

lolol I’m sure Jumin will take good care of the kitten.
Is that so.

But what about that?
Yoosung, you’re going to go play games again?

That’s good! It’s a good idea. Receive emails from Keyboard Research.
Hmm. Not sure…

I’m blushing… (+1 Yoosung)
I want to own Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)

I’d love to meet him in person. (+1 Yoosung)
I’m sure Yoosung will come for me later. Ahaha… (+1 Yoosung)

Do you have something against this, Seven?

Yoosung, was Rika your type?
I can’t say anything since I don’t know what Rika looks like…

Hmm;; I’m not Rika, Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)
You’re just imagining whatever you want. (+1 Yoosung)

I don’t think so…
We might be a bit similar. (+1 Yoosung)

I can replace Rika. If that’s what you want, Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)
He can’t really distinguish me from Rika? (+1 Yoosung)

We’ll take care of it ourselves. (+1 Yoosung)
Thanks for taking interest anyways, Seven. (+1 707)

Good bye.
Let’s talk about something fun next time lol.(+1 707)

Yoosung, you’re like a puppy. (+1 Yoosung)
Thank you for saying that. (+1 Yoosung)

~Rika’s Shadow (20:58) – Jaehee, Zen

Jaehee! Hello. (+1 Jaehee)
Zen, how’s your ankle? (+1 Zen)

Won’t it make your ankle worse? (+1 Jaehee)
Your passion is amazing… (+1 Zen)

Wow, you’re amazing Jaehee. (+1 Jaehee)
You’re not talking about… the Hulky, are you?

Let’s invite them to the party! Receive emails from Fair Film Festival.
Hmm… I’ll have to think about it.

I don’t care who Yoosung confuses me with, as long as he becomes mine. (+1 Yoosung)
I wish he would see me for who I am. (+1 Yoosung)

I don’t think I’ll mind. (+1 Yoosung)
Yoosung will change. (+1 Yoosung)

Not interested in you lol (+1 Yoosung)
How will you escort me? (-H Jaehee, +1 Zen)

I think Jaehee likes someone~ (+1 Jaehee)
Yeah… I think she could.

Yeah. I’m offended. (-H Zen)
My heart’s already with Yoosung though. (+1 Yoosung)

Get better soon, Zen. I’ll have to go too~ (+1 Zen)
Good bye, both of you~ (+1 Jaehee)

~Rika and (insert name) (23:30) – Yoosung

Yoosung, you’re not sleeping?
Yoosung… Does what Zen said bother you? (+1 Yoosung)

It’s natural. But you can’t confuse me with her… (+1 Yoosung)
It is natural, so just have faith and come to me. (+1 Yoosung)

Yes. No one cares about you as much as I do. (+1 Yoosung)
But I am not Rika. (+1 Yoosung)

I can become the person you want me to be. If only you become mine. (+1 Yoosung)
Even if that is true, I am not Rika. (+1 Yoosung)

Is this Rika’s puppy?
Is this your puppy?

Don’t think so deeply. Just believe what you want to believe. (+1 Yoosung)
Good dreams, Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)
Day 6  Rute Yoosung End

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