
Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

Mystic Messenger – Deep Story Walkthrough

Untuk Mystic Messenger – Deep Story. Pertama - tama kalian ikuti dulu alur di Days 1 sini , lalu setelah itu jika kalian ingin Masuk Ke Deep Story Maka Lanjutkan Ke Jalur yang ini .

Deep Story – Day 2 ✩

Note : Untuk Membuka Deep Story, Kamu harus membayar 80 hourglasses

~Day 2 Part 1: Deep Story~

~We Are Having A Party Again! (00:30) – Yoosung, 707

Yoosung, what are you doing staying up? (+1 Yoosung)
Seven, what are you doing up? (+1 707)

Don’t worry my boy. I’ll take good care of you.
You’re making me feel uncomfortable.

I don’t think it’s bad to spend a lot of time doing what you like. (+1 Yoosung)
I agree, lol. I feel like you’re playing games too much.

Have you heard anything about the party date?
Negative. (+1 707)

How big do you think the party will be?
Hmm… The party date?

Girlfriend? lol
110-000-110 & 111-000-111 (+1 707)


I’m just kidding lolol (+1 707)
…Don’t joke about that ever again. I’m serious. (+1 707)

I’ll be careful. Thanks, Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)
I love twisted love. OH YEAH. (+1 707)

Seven, just let me know if there’s anything I can do~ (+1 707)
Thank you so much again for greeting me with enthusiasm ^^ (+1 Yoosung)

I see a huge contradiction in your messages, but have fun;;;
Talk with me a bit longer~ (+1 Yoosung)

~ Yoosung leaves ~

thx thx (+1 707)
What the hell’s wrong with the options?;;

Good bye.
Okay, haha. Don’t strain yourself. (+1 707)

~Expressing Emotion (02:11) – Jumin

Hello meow. (+1 Jumin)
Hello, Jumin.

Emotions don’t last forever… I’m worried that everyone’s excitement will just turn into disappointment. (+1 Jumin)
What’s wrong about getting excited? lol

Then I guess not showing your emotions is resting for you? (+1 Jumin)
Haha… Well then, why don’t you try to acquire me? (+1 Jumin)

Kind of.
I tend to avoid them.
I do.

I guess it must be hard for her since you’re busy with her.
You must really cherish her. Is there a particular reason? (+1 Jumin)

You want to use Jaehee as a model? (+1 Jaehee)
That sounds like a good idea… It’ll be so cute! (+1 Jumin) Receive emails from Cat Shelter Organisation

… – if you can’t see, that’s blue. Proceed to blue text.
Of course. (+1 Jumin)

Yes. I am aware, but I’m honestly a bit worried about it.
I’ll take care of it myself.

Isn’t there any organisation related to puppies?
Wow, an organisation that protects street cats? That’s a good idea! (+1 Jumin)

Hope today’s a good day for you!
I’m sure it must be tough to say bye to Elizabeth 3rd. Cheer up ^^ (+1 Jumin)

~Cat Business (06:55) – Zen, Jaehee

Did you sleep well, Jaehee? (+1 Jaehee)
Good morning, Zen! (+1 Zen)

I slept like a rock lolol
Didn’t sleep so well…
Slept okay~
I pulled an all-nighter.

You don’t like cat related projects? (+1 Jaehee)
Don’t you think it will be fun? (+1 Jumin)

It’s good for Jumin to have fun at work. He just has to pay his workers properly. (+1 Jumin)

We can run together.
Then I’m gonna catch you! lol (+1 Zen)

Did something happen at the party?
Two years ago?

Just wear a mask next time. (+1 Jumin)
I agree! Your face must be protected no matter what, Zen! (+1 Jaehee)

To be honest… I actually want to see her. (+1 Jumin)
Good luck, Jaehee! I’ll be hoping for that too! (+1 Jaehee)

I think that’s a good idea. More and more people are allergic these days. Tell him to contact me. (+1 Zen) Receive emails from Allergy Research Centre.
Hmm… I’m not really sure.

Just mind your own business, Jaehee. (-H Jaehee)
It’s awkward for me too.
Let’s get to know each other, Jaehee~ (+1 Jaehee)

Good luck today! (+1 Jaehee)
Good bye.
I’m getting sleepy again.

~ Jaehee leaves ~

Wow. You have meetings with directors? So cool! (+1 Zen)
Good bye.

~Answer Me! (09:22) – 707

What’s going on? Are you okay?
a;ejag;ifjdklv!! (+1 707)

Nothing happened, right?
What’s up meow? Over. (+1 707)


None lol if I had to say, it would just be this weird situation happening right now. (+1 707)
Why do you ask?

I’ve led a honest life so far. (+1 white heart)
You’re still doing a background check on me?;;

Don’t do a background check on me without asking;; (-H 707)
Thanks, Seven^^ (+1 707)

Don’t you have any photos of you?
A photo?

Show me more! I want to know! (+1 707)
I just asked because you didn’t seem like the type to take selfies lol (+1 707)

Don’t look for it. It’s disgusting.
+_+ Search search search! (+1 707)

Hmm. If I see the photos on the CCTV, I understand why he wouldn’t want that;; (+1 Jumin)
Just adopt one! (+1 707)

Your maid is very fierce;; (+1 707)
You have a maid? You must be well-off.

You’re very extravagant;;; Sports cars plus a maid.. (+1 707)
So awesome!! (+1 707)

Good!! Two birds with one stone! (+1 707)
I can’t really sympathise with that;;

Stop messing around and get back to work. (+1 707)
Kneel!! Meow! (+1 707)

Good bye.
Don’t go T_T (+1 707)

~Rich People (11:50) – Yoosung, Jaehee, 707

Yoosung, did you have lunch? (assuming +1 Yoosung)
Jumin, did you have lunch? (+1 Jumin)
Jaehee, did you have lunch? (asuming +1 Jaehee)

I’m sure it’s a nutritionally balanced meal. (+1 Jaehee)
Well…! I should get some steak and wine now! (+1 Jumin)
The side dishes don’t look so good. (assuming +1 Yoosung)

Yoosung… Cheer up. Money’s nothing compared to a good heart! (+1 Yoosung)
Well, that would basically be like having a mum. (+1 Jaehee)

Cheer up, Jaehee!! (+1 Jaehee)
Hmm. Your wage is higher than most other companies. Jumin’s company is a pretty good work place ^^ (+1 Jumin)

Am I really safe? (+1 Jaehee)
I trust Seven about that. (+1 707)

I’m a bit nervous to be honest, since I don’t know V at all. (+1 Yoosung)
You really trust V then… (+1 Jumin)

So Seven works for RFA and as a hacker too. (+1 707)
Classified information?

I’m sure it’s not good to just hide everything.
Perhaps they are being careful to make sure everyone is safe?

I thought Seven was always the secretive type? (+1 707)
Mary Vanderwood 3rd?

I’m not interested either.
I’m worried he’s working on some dangerous things. (+1 707)
So no one knows where Luciel works?

Oooh. Just like a movie lol (+1 Yoosung)
Jumin, you’re so considerate! (+1 Jumin)

So cool to see Jumin be the rich man he is! (+1 Jumin)
Jaehee, it must be so hard to do this job. (+1 Jaehee)

I guess businessmen really do think differently. (+1 Jumin)
I don’t think you can just open up banks like you do with shops;; (+1 Jaehee)

I think it’s a good idea! Tell them to contact me. (+1 Jaehee) Receive emails from Frank, Financial Expert
I’m not really interested.

It was fun talking to you, Yoosung. Bye! (+1 Yoosung)

~ Yoosung leaves ~

Jaehee, talk to you later! (+1 Jaehee)
Yup! Good luck, Jumin! (+1 Jumin)

~Day 2 Part 2: Deep Story~

~How’s My Life? (14:12) – 707
Heya Seven. (+1 707)
I’m sleepy…

Wow, I want to know! How? (+1 707)
I don’t want to know.

Nope. (+1 707)
lololol Go ahead.

That’s investment?
You feel happy just by watching your cars?

Guess you really love cars >.< (+1 707)
That’s it?

Gotcha yo. (+1 707)

Ms. Vanderwood is very beautiful.
…Is she really a maid?
Wow so cute! Seven’s cute! (+1 707)

I guess you have that many enemies then;;
Always be careful meow (+1 707)

Feelings getting hurt…? Why do you have to worry about that?
Aight. Just let me know what you feel safe telling me. (+1 707)

Hope you eat a proper meal and not potato chips;
You must be starving T_T Go get something to eat.

~Bickering (15:58) – Jaehee, Zen

Zen~ How is your day so far? (+1 Zen)
Jaehee, how’s work? (+1 Jaehee)

I’m so jealous that you get to work with Jumin, Jaehee lol (+1 Jumin)
Do you think Ms. Vanderwood is important to Seven? (+1 707)

~ Zen leaves and re-enters ~

lolololol. This is so good lol
Now I know your taste lolololololol

~ Jumin enters ~

Hi, Jumin. (+1 Jumin)
It’s Jumin Han!!! The handsome man in a suit!!! (+1 707)

You didn’t know? (+1 Zen)
It took me a while to find it too. (+1 Jumin)

~ Jumin enters and re-enters… ~

Jumin, you must really like this chat room. (+1 Jumin)
It’s good to be honest, but I think Jaehee will be upset if you say it right in front of her… (+1 Zen)

If everyone just respects each other’s privacy, I don’t think there will be any problem. (+1 Jumin)
Yeah… (+1 Jaehee)
Then I guess Jaehee can just leave. (-H Jaehee)

I didn’t even get to say good bye…;; (+1 Zen)
Why is she avoiding talking with Jumin? (+1 Jumin)

Jumin, you were never in Jaehee’s shoes, so I don’t think you can understand this. (+1 Zen)
I don’t think Jumin will treat anyone emotionally, so I don’t think she has to be that careful around him. ^^; (+1 Jumin)

Really? Then that’s a bit unfair. (+1 Jumin)
If you just keep a closer look… I think you’d know why. (+1 Zen)

Why don’t you two peacefully call a truce on each other…? (+1 Jumin)
Uhm… Do you guys want a moment? Should I leave? (+1 Zen)

~ Jumin leaves ~

lololololol Jumin’s so funny. (+1 Jumin)
He didn’t even give me a chance to say good bye… (+1 Zen)

I’m not hurt at all. Jumin says funny things, haha. (+1 Jumin)
Thank you for caring. (+1 Zen)

Have a good work out~!
OMGOMG make sure you send me a selfie!! (+1 Zen)

~Tsk Tsk (18:10) – Yoosung

Yoosung, I missed you! (+1 Yoosung)

I was a bit caught off guard… But thanks for worrying (+1 Yoosung)
It was a bit funny to watch actually, haha. (+1 Jumin)

Apparently, that’s what statistics say. I guess you know women pretty well. (assuming +1 Yoosung)
Women, creatures of empathy? I think that’s a bit sexist.

Be careful from now on. (-H Yoosung)
I’m just kidding ^^ Women have a different brain structure from men, so they tend to be better at empathising. (assuming +1 Yoosung)

Cheer up. You still have hope! (+1 Yoosung)
You’ve never had a girlfriend before?

Did you reject those love letters?
Wow! You’re the popular guy! (assuming +1 Yoosung)

To be honest, I can’t believe that you’ve never had a girlfriend before. (assuming +1 Yoosung)
lol. And you haven’t joined it yet?

I’ll consider it! Tell them to reach me~ (+1 Yoosung) Receive emails from Forever Alones.
Don’t feel like it;

Good bye.
I’ll eat with you in spirit! Yum yum. (assuming +1 Yoosung)

~Be Honest! (19:56) – 707

Cheer up Seven O Seven! Sevenny! Sevv! Lovely Seven! (+1 707)
When you die?

Someone’s here. (+1 707)
Jumin, hello. (+1 Jumin)

lol He totally caught you. (+1 Jumin)
Nah. We were just joking around. (+1 707)

Evading the question? (+1 707)
I think your question has to be more specific. (+1 Jumin)

Please don’t ask such private questions;; (+1 Jumin)
No… No way! (+1 707)

So you are a forever-alone, or not? (+1 707)
I really think it’s rude to ask something like that. And he doesn’t have to answer it. (+1 Jumin)

But what’s wrong with being a forever-alone?
I’m only curious, haha.

I don’t think he’s gay. (+1 Jumin)
I am an open-minded person, so feel free to come out. I appreciate all types of people. (+1 707)

I am actually sleepy.
I’m still having fun lol (+1 707)

~ Jumin leaves ~

He ran away. (+1 707)
But Seven, have you ever had a girlfriend before? (+1 707)

What!? Married?
Yeah right.

Don’t go T_T (+1 707)

~Romance Expert (22:00) – Zen

Wow Zen, I missed ya. (+1 Zen)

I think Jumin can’t be gay too.
Well I guess Jumin has his own aura. (+1 Jumin)

A woman’s instinct! +_+
I think once Jumin finds someone who understands him, he’ll be fine in a relationship. (+1 Jumin)

You smell like a man, lovely Zen! (+1 Zen)
Hmm. I think Jumin has a more sophisticated world of his own, so I’m not sure if he’ll need your advice. (+1 Jumin)

You’re not proud of it, are you?
Motorcycle gang?
But you were always considerate towards women… So cool! (assuming +1 Zen)

I don’t really like lamb kebabs…
Lamb kebab? (+1 Zen)

He really did clean up his hands?
I think it’s a good idea. Tell him to email me ^^ (+1 Zen) Receive emails from Lamb Kebab

I should take a shower too!
Oh…Shower…>_< (assuming +1 Zen)

~Jumin… Are You… (23:22) – Jaehee, Yoosung

OMG! Jaehee! Zen was in a motorcycle gang! (+1 Zen)
Jaehee, Yoosung! Hi!

Yoosung, you were never in a motorcycle gang, right? (assuming +1 Yoosung)
Zen was in a motorcycle gang. (+1 Jaehee)

I don’t think he is. (+1 Jumin)
I’m not interested either lol (+1 Jaehee)

I think it’ll be hard since he’s so unapproachable. (assuming +1 Jaehee)
I think you’re jumping to conclusions. (+1 Jumin)

Still, he’s so charismatic to make them sign contracts. I feel like dating won’t be so hard for him.
I think Jumin will open up once he finds someone he likes. (+1 Jumin)

They really live in a different world, lol. The relationships of rich people~
So that’s the case… (+1 Jumin)

Are you sure?

You hear something?
It’d be nice to have Seven here right now. (assuming +1 707)

Good bye… Oh, the one who seeks to be a hero. (+1 Yoosung)
Don’t spend too much time on the game… (+1 Jaehee)

~ Yoosung leaves ~

He just left.
Since we’re alone here, I want to ask you something. Is Jumin… the heir? (+1 Jumin)

Does Seven date women? (+1 707)
Do you really think Jumin has no chance of finding someone he loves? (+1 Jumin)

That damn cat;
So he really cares for animals. (+1 Jumin)

Good bye.
Thanks, Jaehee. Bye. (+1 Jaehee)

Days 2  Deep Story End

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