
Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016

Mystic Messenger - Rute Untuk 707

Jumin Han - PurpleZen - Gray
707 (Luciel Choi) - Red
Yoosung Kim - Green
Jaehee Kang - Orange
Zen (Ryu Hyun) - Gray Hearts

Rute 707 merupakan rute Deep dan Penuh perjuangan untuk mendapatkan Good Endingnya. Trus? , ya kalau memang mau pilih Rute 707, ya harus usaha .. :v

--Day 5--

(The heart indicators are all just from memory… I’m sorry if they’re wrong!)

~Strange Alarm (00:18) – Yoosung

Heya Yoosung… I did see some weird mesages!

I’ll leave him a word for you ^^

Yoosung, turn off that computer and go to bed.

~Messenger Bug! (01:48) – Jaehee, 707

Jaehee, didn’t you see any weird messages in the chatroom?

I don’t feel so good about it.

You mean what he said about marrying me at a space station?

~ 707 enters ~

Seven!! Run for your life!! (+1 707)

It seems he cannot speak human. (+1 707)

God Seven, where are you? Please save the world from all the bugs!! (+1 707)

Everyone, move over!! (+1 707)

Hacker?? But you’re the hacker. (+1 707)

Don’t tell me… that alarm and messages were sent by a hacker? (+1 707)

Don’t tell me someone’s reading all our messages T_T (+1 707)

Do you think… the person has something to do with “Unknown”? (+1 707)

Yup. Let’s not be depressed and try to have a positive outlook on solving this. (+1 707)

Show them what team play is all about!! (+1 707)

I… Will have Seven’s blessing!! (+1 707)

Yay!!! God Seven!! (+1 707)

I feel like you spend too much time with Ms. Vanderwood, Seven. T_T (+1 707)

I’ll be waiting for you✩

~ 707 leaves ~

I’m a bit doubtful myself T_T I guess she’s not just any other maid. (+1 707)

Go ahead!

~What You Two Have In Common (08:40) – Zen, Jaehee

Did both of you have breakfast?

God Seven…! I miss him… I guess he’s busy with work right? >.< (+1 707)

No way…

I trust God Seven will protect me. lol (+1 707)

Ms. Vanderwood…. I wonder who she is. (+1 707)

Why not? So what if he has a friend. (+1 707)

If you have a thing for maids, then just say so. (+1 707)

Please send God Seven to me. (+1 707)

They seem nice. Since everyone has headaches!

Have some mercy on Zen ^^;; Good bye~ (+1 Zen)

~ Jumin leaves ~

Run away.

Perhaps because your looks are timeless? (+1 Zen)

~2.35 Seconds (10:20) – Jaehee, 707

Did you get to the office fine? (+1 Jaehee)

Wow! I’m sure that has nothing to do with the cat project… You just want to be prepared for fluctuating oil prices? (+1 Jaehee)

~ 707 enters ~

8h;aw4ietej (+1 707)

I guess you’re still caught up with the agency T_T Cheer up! (+1 707)

I knew it! I felt as if you were looking at me every 2.35 seconds!!! (+1 707)

It’d be so great if you could come! (+1 707)

I love all robots ♥ (+1 707)

OMG~! SO KEWT~!! (+1 707)

Spitting fire balls of love.. Cupid’s fire!! (+1 707)

God Seven, you’re way cuter ^^ (+1 707)

It does help! If only it didn’t spit fire, I would have wanted one! (+1 707)

Then just take a walk~! You should clear your head. (+1 707)

I’ll be waiting for you! Cheer up! (+1 707)

~ 707 leaves ~

I love genius people! (+1 707)

I will! You be careful too, Jaehee!

~Men With Black Suits (12:30) – Yoosung

Did you get to school safe? (+1 Yoosung)

KIDNAPPERS!!!!! (+1 Yoosung)

OMG~ So cool! (+1 Yoosung)

So jealous… No one can come to me because of security reasons… T_T… I wish at least Seven could come. (+1 707)

People will think you’re a movie star or something +_+ (+1 Yoosung)

I would want one if only it didn’t spit fire lolol Seven is so cute! (+1 707)

He’d work so well if only I could go to his house!! (+1 707)

Have fun in class! (+1 Yoosung)

~Distract Your Attention (14:21) – Jumin, Jaehee

So the meeting went well? Congratulations! (+1 Jumin)

Oil prices are affecting the currency too… The global economy is always hard to figure out. (+1 Jaehee)

Oil Prince. (+1 Jaehee)

Mr. Luciel is always open to financial cooperation. (I don’t know what the exact option says, but it’s got something to do with selecting Seven) (+1 707)

There’s not much time left!! (+1 Jaehee)

Good bye.

~ Jaehee leaves ~

Jaehee is very smart… No, perhaps she is just desperate to live a proper life… (+1 Jaehee)

You’re leaving tomorrow, right? Hope you get ready without much trouble! (+1 Jumin)

~Jumin….!! (16:41) – Zen


Wow! They look so reliable! (+1 Jumin)

I wish I could bring Seven goldfish-shaped bread since he’s working so hard… (+1 707)

Oh, right! Did the meeting go well? (+1 Zen)

Sounds fantastic! Receive emails from Drop The Beat.

Maybe they’re spreading around social media? (+1 Zen)

I would love to see how you sweat while running… I’m a perv, shush. Though I do admit, it’s kinda gross to talk about sweat… ‘ -‘ ;) (+1 Zen)

~It’s Been Bugging Me (18:11) – Yoosung, 707

You must be very tired, haha. (+1 Yoosung)

~ 707 enters ~

It is God Seven’s doing. God Seven!! Please enlighten us with your presence! (+1 707)

It’s okay… haha. But what are you talking about? (+1 707)

Then come see me~! (+1 707)

To be honest… I want one ^^ (+1 707)

What matters is the intention~! I would love for you to give it to me. (+1 707)

Seven… You don’t…!? (+1 707)

I think taking action is more important than listening to a boy who’s never dated girls before. I’m ready! (+1 707)

Creating itself with the blessing of God Seven… This is almost a myth. (+1 707)

Romantic… That sounds nice! I want to experience what that’s like~✩ (+1 707)

Don’t!! Someday you’ll use it for something! (+1 707)

You do a lot of things…

You’ve been doing something good for Zen~! (+1 707)

Like… the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing! (+1 707)

Right you are~! (+1 707)

Seven… (+1 707)

He’s always weird. (+1 707)

I hope that’s the case, haha. (+1 707)

Aren’t you gaming too much…? Hah. That’s me right now.

~Seven’s True Feelings (19:50) – Jaehee, Zen


Hi! (+1 Zen)

I think Seven is so talented at everything lol (+1 707)

I think he said something similar yesterday.

Anyways, shouldn’t he be appreciated since it ultimately helped Zen? (+1 707)

But Seven denied that he had feelings for me… (+1 707)

Maybe he needs time? (+1 707)

Go and rest~! It must have been a rough day. (+1 Zen)

~ Zen leaves ~

But you were busy! (+1 Jaehee)

Don’t work too hard and rest up~ (+1 Jaehee)

~Bus Driver, Yoosung (21:20) – Yoosung, Jumin

Did you get a job as the bus driver? (+1 Yoosung)

It’s a game, but I suppose it’s a proper society of its own. (+1 Yoosung)

What do you think Seven is doing right now? (+1 707)

He said something similar yesterday, and I could understand it… if you consider Seven’s career. (+1 707)

I feel bad that Seven’s job has so many restrictions… (+1 707)

Sounds like a normal day of a high school freshman.

Well, there’s no need to waste your precious energy on me;;

~ Jumin leaves ~

Maybe he wants to do something for you? (+1 Jumin)

Enjoy it while you can. lol (+1 Yoosung)

Don’t game too much though ^^

~Perhaps My Head Is Broken (23:47) – 707

God Seven!! How’s work going!? (+1 707)

Don’t feel too much pressure. You can always do it tomorrow! (+1 707)

How is he different? (+1 707)

God Seven… Don’t be weak!!! (+1 707)

Why~? I want to know more about you, Seven. (+1 707)

Hmm… (+1 707)

Why are you being so sad…? Seven, you can have anything you want! (+1 707)

Just let everything go… Be yourself. (+1 707)

Let’s go to the moon together someday, haha. (+1 707)

That damn hacker!! (+1 707)

Yeah! I guess you’ll feel better if they come? Receive emails from Hackers Chasing Hackers

Thank you… I can feel God Seven’s good graces protecting me ^^ (+1 707)

If it gets too tough, just think of me and feel better! (+1 707)

Days 5 "707" End

--Day 6--

~Mysterious Email (01:33) – Jaehee

Jaehee, good evening.

I have dibs on Seven so watch out…!! (+1 707)

I don’t feel good about it… (+1 Jaehee)

Yes… I don’t feel good about it. You should ask Seven. (+1 707)

I’m kind of worried about Seven. He doesn’t seem very well. (+1 707)

I’ll try talking to him…

If you have any good photos, share them with me! Good night! (+1 Jaehee/Zen)

~I Got It Too!? (03:17) – Zen

Hello, Zen… What about the email?

I wish my hubby would check the messenger asap! (+1 707)

I’m quite worried… (+1 707)

I think so too… (+1 707)

I wish nothing like that ever happens to Seven. (+1 707)

I do think that none of us know much about Seven… I want to know more about him. (+1 707)

Just thinking about it makes me sad… (+1 707)

Why are we suddenly talking about relationships? haha

Time for some night time snacks! (+1 Zen)

I want to dream about Seven. (+1 707)

~I’m Recovered! (08:35) – Jumin, 707

Are you feeling better now?^^ (+1 707)

I wish God Seven would cheer up soon!! (+1 707)

Ooh!! Seven you look so handsome! (+1 707)

An option that involves “gap moe” in it. (+1 707)

Wow! I’m amazed at your knowledge! (+1 Jumin)

Seven, are you gap moe?

I didn’t receive it.

But… Seven, don’t you have enough work already? (+1 707)

Good thinking ^^ (+1 707)

T_T… You just said you’re ready to sacrifice yourself… You’re not coming to save me? (+1 707)

Good bye.

~ 707 leaves ~

Yes, I’m glad he seems to have cheered up. (+1 707)

Good! Oil is an important energy source! Receive emails from Oil Prince.

You really do understand cats! (+1 Jumin)

Yes, but if you are too close, it’s easier to hurt one another.

Be careful~! Have a good flight. (+1 Jumin)

~Spotlighted Life Isn’t Bad At All (10:22) – Yoosung


Yes, I did.

So jealous~ You must feel like a celebrity, haha. (+1 Yoosung)

Aren’t you spending too much time gaming? I’m a bit worried.

Maybe lololol

Oh, right. Yoosung, you didn’t receive any strange emails?

Yoosung, you’re so cute. lolol (+1 Yoosung)

Let’s do that! Receive emails from Keyboard Researchers.

It’s not good to be obsessed with games…

~Jaehee Enjoying Freedom (13:01) – Jaehee, Zen

Heya Zen. (+1 Zen)

lololololol congratulations, Jaehee. (+1 Jaehee)

Didn’t you say you saw Zen’s DVD again last night? I’d like to hear your thoughts.

It feels more suspicious that whole hacker thing just happened a couple days ago…

I miss Seven… I wanna joke around. (+1 707)

You must still have a lot of work, but I’m happy you seem more relaxed today. Good luck! (+1 Jaehee)

~ Jaehee leaves ~

I think it’s a bit serious… Don’t you think he needs help?

I pay my respects to your diligence, Zen. (+1 Zen)

Okay… Good bye.

~JUMIN!!!!!T_T (14:39) – Yoosung

What’s going on?

Wow! You get to see your mum! Good for you ^^

Oh! They seem like a nice group. Can we invite them to the party? Receive emails from Children Good To Their Parents

Good bye… T_T (+1 Yoosung)

~The Sender Of The Email (16:04) – Zen, 707

Heya God Seven (+1 707)

I can’t believe Mrs. Kim is going to go see him! I’m getting more nervous lol (+1 707)

Hahaha, well whatever happens, I’m having fun ^^ I want some popcorn. (+1 707)

I don’t get your life either, Seven;; (+1 707)

Wow you managed to find it so fast! You’re such a genius God Seven! (+1 707)

So you mean the hacker sent us that email? (+1 707)

How are you going to make sure I’m safe?

Seven, aren’t you without a bodyguard too? Are you okay? (+1 707)

Let’s go out for some fresh air together once this ends ^^ (+1 707)

Won’t it be too dangerous? (+1 707)

I’ll go with you!! You can’t go there alone! (+1 707)

Don’t strain yourself, Seven… bye. (+1 707)

~ 707 leaves ~

I think so too. Everything will work out if we work together…

I wish he’d just tell me everything… I’m worried about him too. (+1 707)

~Unexpected Fact (17:55) – Jaehee

Jaehee… Hello!

Don’t you think he seduced her with his smooth words?

Why not!? Try it. I want to watch and eat popcorn.

I’m more worried about Seven. I think he wants to take care of everything by himself… (+1 707)

Alright. Good bye.

~Family Reunion (19:19) – Yoosung

Don’t cry, my baby…

What? Omg, I need to bring my popcorn.

Bu-but think of it positively… You get to live a better lifestyle now.

Wouldn’t it be better for me to go…? It could be dangerous. (+1 707)

She’ll just stay for a couple of days ^^;; Mums always carry around a lot of stuff. (+1 Yoosung)

Cinderella Yoosung lolol (+1 Yoosung)

I pray that you can escape…! (+1 Yoosung)

~It Was For Yoosung (21:00) – Jumin

Mr. Han, how is your five star hotel?

~ Zen enters ~
Heya Zen…

I can imagine you looking at the beautiful desert with Elizabeth in your arms and drinking wine. (+1 Jumin)

Hmm… I think Jumin is right. Independence and parents… It makes sense! (+1 Jumin)

I admit that your intentions are good, Jumin! (+1 Jumin)

I can almost hear Jaehee yelling at us to change the subject. (+1 Jaehee)

I think you should talk to Yoosung soon, Jumin~ (+1 Jumin)

Jumin, do you know anything about that?

If it’s the same group… then they really are after the information.

It really is. He has to know about this asap…

He hurt his eyes?

Then why don’t we invite him to the party? Receive emails from a creepy doctor named Dr. Lee

Wow! Have fun. (+1 Jumin)

~ Jumin leaves ~

Yup, a bit;; (+1 Zen)

Censorship please! Photos of you that are overly handsome are bad for my health! >_< (+1 Zen)

~Actually I… (22:59) – 707

Yes! Seven, I was waiting for you~ (+1 707)

I’m fine. I’m sure you have no choice. Did you talk to V yet…? (+1 707)

You’re trying this hard. There’s no way that the members will be harmed. Don’t worry. (+1 707)

Something bad? I hope that never happens. (+1 707)

That’s… that’s so sad. We can’t even be friends? (+1 707)

Seven, think about yourself too, not just me. The more dangerous things are, let’s stop being so sad. (+1 707)

I don’t regret getting to know you, Seven! Even if you do dangerous things! (+1 707)

Seven… you’re talking about the agency, right? Are you really okay… working there? (+1 707)

Okay, don’t worry. I’ll be fine. (+1 707)

Don’t feel so much pressure, and just take care of everything one by one! Be careful, Seven. Thank you for protecting me. (+1 707)

Days 6 "707" End

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