
Jumat, 30 September 2016

Mystic Messenger Tips & Guide

Hari 1 Sampai Hari ke-4 adalah hari dimana kamu harus benar-benar fokus pada karakter tertentu sebelum yang lainnya. Setelah akhir hari Ke-4 , yang mana karakter yang memiliki paling banyak hatinya akan menjadi rute untuk mu. Kamu akan melihat gambar mereka di bawah bagian chat room pada Hari 5 sampai Hari Ke-11 untuk mengetahui yang rute yang kamu pilih. Untuk Memilih Jawaban yang benar ,Kamu harus tahu dahulu warna hati semua Karakter.

Jumin Han - PurpleZen - Gray
707 (Luciel Choi) - Red
Yoosung Kim - Green
Jaehee Kang - Orange
Zen (Ryu Hyun) - Gray Hearts

Jika Jawaban Kamu benar untuk seseorang,maka gambar hati akan muncul di layar sebentar. Jika Anda memilih jawaban yang buruk bagi karakter, hati hitam rusak akan muncul yang menunjukkan bahwa Kamu menurunkan kasih sayang mereka untuk Kamu. 

Baiklah ini ada beberapa tips untuk cara memilih jawaban yang benar untuk semua orang. Ini berlaku untuk chat room, pesan teks, dan panggilan telepon :

Jumin - Jumin mencintai kucingnya Elizabeth 3rd dan kucing pada umumnya, jadi jika ia mulai berbicara tentang kucing kamu hanya perlu setuju dengan dia. Setuju juga dengan dia tentang masalah uang , dan dia sebenarnya sangat tertarik dengan bahasa gaul internet modern sehingga jangan takut untuk memilih jawaban resmi terhadap dirinya dari waktu ke waktu . Dia juga suka wanita yang percaya diri, sehingga selalu memilih jawaban yang membuat Kamu terdengar sederhana dan pintar .

Zen - Hanya memilih jawaban yang akan meningkatkan ego narcissist’s saja. goda kembali dia, berada di pihaknya setiap kali dia bertengkar dengan Jumin, dan mendukung dia serta karirnya.

Yoosung - karakter yang paling mudah untuk ditingkatkan hatinya, yaitu dengan lelucon. Dia seperti anak anjing lucu yang segera suka dengan kamu. Yang harus kamu lakukan adalah hanya bersikap manis padanya, Berada di sisinya ketika semua orang membullying dia, memberinya nasihat yang baik, dan Anda benar-benar harus berusaha keras jika Anda tidak ingin mendapatkan rutenya.

707 - Dia harfiah definisi internet troll . Bermain bersama dengan dia setiap kali. Jika dia ngetrolling kamu, troll dia balik. Jika Anda melakukan itu setiap kali , dia merupakan orang yang paling mudah kedua untuk menaikkan hati nya. Namun, jika hidup seseorang sebenarnya dalam bahaya, jadilah serius dan mendorong nya untuk melakukan yang terbaik.

Jaehee - Bersimpati lah dengannya jika dia stres tentang pekerjaan atau ketika Jumin yang memerintah nya. Dia jenis orang yang langsung(to the point) dari semua karakter, jadi Pilihlah yang jawaban yang masuk akal atau jawaban dengan berkepala dingin .

Rute :
Rute Deep Story
Note : Untuk Membuka Deep Story, Kamu harus membayar 80 hourglasses

~Welcome! (00:03) – Yoosung

Just one lonely sheep longing for someone’s arms.
I’m a pretty unique person. (+1 707)
I’m just an average person.

I’m gonna eat you up RAWR (+1 Yoosung)
What’s a wolf? ^^ (+1 Yoosung)

So what.
It’s nice to see that you’re positive. (+1 Yoosung)

I’m not really the cute type..
Thank you ^^ (+1 Yoosung)
Lol you’re gonna be so surprised when you see me in person.

I hope so;;

Have fun~
What games?

LOLOL? Ludicrous Otaku & Lego Otaku’s Life?
LOLOL? League of Loneliness of Life? (+1 Yoosung) I assume because they tell you to take note of the time when you want to call one of the characters, you shouldn’t call him during 10PM – 4AM.

~Welcome 2 (02:21) – Jaehee

Jaehee, why are you awake?
I still have no idea how to play this game T_T

Sorry if I hurt your feelings^^; (+1 Jaehee)
I just said it because it looked fun. (-H)

You’re so diligent.
Aren’t you tired?

I am quite the diligent one.
I’m pretty lazy;

Thank you for your advice. (+1 Jaehee)
Why are you being so fussy;; (-H)

You do;;
It’s nothing. You’re just concerned for me. (+1 Jaehee)

Shouldn’t you be getting more sleep…? (+1 Jaehee)
I’m so jealous that you don’t need a lot of sleep~! (-H)

~Zen’s Complaint (04:35) – Zen

In this dark endless night, art the water drops on the window my solitude, or thy teardrops…
Hello, Zen.

It’s not a sonnet.
I’m Emily Bronte. (+1 Zen)

My heart’s beating fast too. (+1 Zen)
My heart’s beating fine.

I have quite an elaborate imagination.
No thanks.
Whuuut… Perv… (+1 Zen)

Screw you (+1 Zen)

A bit? (+1 Zen)
Nope; (-H)
*drool* (+1 Zen)

You can go out with me. (+1 Zen)
Why that long? (+1 Zen)
It’s been longer for me.
You must be unattractive. (-H)

~Yoosung’s Complaint (07:00) – Yoosung

Me too…
You’ve never had a girlfriend;;;?
Are you not interested in girls? (+1 Yoosung)

Sounds kewl. (+1 Yoosung)
Fried chicken makes you fat… ^^;

I’ll tell you how to get it on. (+1 Yoosung)
Hahahaha tsk tsk
Cheer up^^; (+1 Yoosung)

I wanna marry ya. (+1 Yoosung)
Gimme food too.
Enjoy your breakfast ^^ (+1 Yoosung)

~Jumin’s Lonely Morning (08:00) – Jumin, Zen

You haven’t left for work yet?

What were you doing, Zen? (+1 Zen)
But Jumin, don’t you have to go to work? (+1 Jumin)
I’m sleepy…

I was just bored lol
Now that the sun has risen, my body and mind ache in loneliness.

Oh. A cat.
Wow! So pretty. (+1 Jumin)
Omfg… (+1 Zen)

I’m lonely… I’m painfully lonely.
Jumin’s kinda scary ;; (+1 Zen)
Jumin’s a born businessman. (+1 Jumin)

Isn’t it natural to just work as much as you get paid? (+1 Jumin)
It’s better to treat people like actual human beings than to be so strict. (+1 Zen)

I’m pretty sure it’s tears of joy +_+ (+1 Jumin)
Can we change the subject? (+1 Zen)
Well… Labour management relations is always a complicated issue.

Cats are a bit scary. (+1 Zen)
I tend to like them.

I prefer cats. (+1 Jumin)
I prefer dogs. (+1 Zen)

Good bye, lovely Zen ^^ (+1 Zen)
Good bye.

~Seven Loves Cats (10:04) – Jumin, 707

Hello, 707. (+1 707)
Hello, Jumin. (+1 Jumin)

The cat’s pretty.. Haha (+1 Jumin)
Lol cat mom (-H Jumin)

Ya. I’ll have to (be) careful.
Seven just seems like he likes to joke around? (+1 707)

He must be really skilled.
Seven, what do you do? (+1 Jumin)

Have you been here?
I think he’s funny. (+1 707)

Good bye. (+1 Jumin)
Bye, my bae character~

I’ll see.
I’ll believe you. (+1 707)

Good bye.

~Seven’s Investigation (11:58) – Yoosung, 707

You’re not playing games? (+1 Yoosung)
What are you researching?

I think yes way; (+1 707)
Wow. What a childish username lol

Did you find anything?
That makes me uncomfortable. Please stop. (-H 707)

Can’t you just tell me?
I think I have the right to know.

It was my choice to come here;

Ya (+1 Yoosung)
I’m kind of bored (+1 707)

Why is Rika so important to everyone?
How did Rika leave this world?

Good bye, Yoosung.
Good bye, Seven.

~Jaehee’s Expectation (12:50) – Jaehee

Hello, Jaehee.
Jaehee, please tell me about Rika.

Are you doing a background check on me?
About me? (+1 Jaehee)

I’ll think about it.
I think it will be fun. (+1 Jaehee)
Can’t someone else do it?

Jaehee. Are you always so formal?
So… What will I have to do? Specifically… (+1 Jaehee)

Okay (only option)

What’s the benefit of hosting the party again?
Is the party that grand?

Why except for Yoosung…?
Do you hope V to come back?
It’s too difficult T_T

Good bye.
Bye, ma’am.


~Day 1 Part 2~

~Jumin’s Curiosity (13:48) – Jumin

Whassup mista trustfundkid
Hello, Jumin. (+1 Jumin)
How do you do, Mr. Han?

Is that a threat? (+1 Jumin)

Is the job hard?
It’s too hard. Help me, lovely Jumin. (-H)
Don’t worry. I’ll do a good job. (+1 Jumin)

So all I have to do is be good at picking randomly?
I’ll try my best.

I’m not interested.
I’d like to do something meaningful. (+1 Jumin)
I’d like to do it with you, Jumin.

Good bye.
See ya~

~Zen Reminisces About the Old (15:00) – Zen

Zen, Hi~
Today’s weather was nice.

Did you have fun at your rehearsal?
Are you okay? (+1 Zen)

I’m tone deaf. (+1 Zen)
I’d like to hear it too.
I bet I can sing better.

I feel a bit of pressure.
The party was that big?


I’m hungry…
I already ate.
~Who Hates to Work? (16:50) – 707

Whoah~! Who’s this guy?! (+1 707)
Whoot whoot~!
Hello, 707.

I’m here babe. (+1 707)

Lack of caffeine.
Because I joined the organisation?
Because you like me? (+1 707)
Because you don’t have a cat.

Omg… How did you hack it? (+1 707)
They’re different?

Maybe she is really still alive? (+1 707)
Do you have feelings for Rika?
Any possibility that ‘Unknown’ is ‘Rika’?

My looks are better.
She’s beautiful.

Cross dressing!?
Why did you have to show it now;; (+1 707)

Okay. (+1 707)
I can protect myself.

Thank you for telling me all of these things. (+1 707)
Good bye, 707.
~Yoosung’s Hope for the New (18:02) – Yoosung

Hello, Yoosung.
What are you doing at this hour?

What do you want to know?
Are you good at games? (+1 Yoosung)

What do I have to do?

You just do whatever I say. (+1 Yoosung surprisingly…)
I’ll do my best ^^ (+1 Yoosung)
I feel quite a bit of pressure.

Don’t look forward to it too much.
I hope I can be of help. (+1 Yoosung)

Thank you. (+1 Yoosung)
I’ll do what I can.

Don’t get too into playing games.
Good luck! (+1 Yoosung)

~Concerns of Two Men (18:58) – Zen, Jumin

Zen, you’re on. (+1 Zen)
Hello, Jumin. (+1 Jumin)

Is it good that I’m here with you guys?

Why do I have to prove my worth to anyone? (+1 Zen)
What is your worth, Jumin? (+1 Jumin)

I first intend to try my best. (+1 Zen & Jumin)
Do I have no choice?

I’m not sure yet… I’ll just do it for now I guess. (+1 Zen)
If I try my best, then everything will be good. (+1 Jumin)

Go ahead, Zen. (+1 Zen)
Tell your cat hello, Jumin. (+1 Jumin)

~Discussion About the Party (19:40) – Jaehee, Jumin

Did everyone eat?
It’s a beautiful evening. (+1 Jumin)
I have a lot on my mind after today. (+1 Jaehee)

Not yet…

Take out is not good for you… (+1 Jaehee)
Did something happen?

Why would Jaehee be against it.
Is it bad to be against it?

I see that you two are pretty close.

Don’t expect too much. (+1 Jaehee)
I plan to do my best. (+1 Jumin)

What’s going on with you two?
I don’t think that’s within business hour; (+1 Jaehee)

Bye, Mr. Han.
Good bye. (+1 Jumin)

Yes. (+1 Jaehee)

~Zen’s Expectation (21:50) – Zen

Zen, you’re not sleeping yet? (+1 Zen)

I tend to. (+1 Zen)

I’m excited for all the things to come.
I’m a bit lost.
I am a bit curious to see what will happen.

That’s good haha (+1 Zen)
What do you mean?

Is V that important?
What do you want to do when you meet me?

Why doesn’t V come here often?
Is V his name?

I’m going to rage all night.
I’ll go to bed soon. (+1 Zen)

~Excited Yoosung (22:30) – Yoosung

Yoosung, what are you up to? (+1 Yoosung)
Whachu doin?

Aren’t you expecting too much from me?
Why don’t you try exercising for a bit and then go to sleep?
Are you love sick? (+1 Yoosung)

I don’t exercise either. (+1 Yoosung)
Aww yeah~ Eye candy lol
Not really interested;

Did you like Rika?
Am I similar with Rika?
I feel a bit strange.

I see. (+1 Yoosung)
All this talk about Rika is making me uncomfortable.

I plan to do my very best. (+1 Yoosung)
I’m going to do whatever I want.
I’ll do what I can.

I won’t. (+1 Yoosung)
We’ll see.

Hmm… (+1 Yoosung)
Only joking ^^ Alright.

Good bye.
Be careful^^ (+1 Yoosung)
~Jaehee’s Favour (23:15) – Jaehee

Jaehee, you’re still awake. (+1 Jaehee)
I’m sleepy…

I’m just sending this before I fall asleep.
Just cuz…

I plan to try my best.
Could you please explain again what I have to do? (+1 Jaehee)
I’ll think about it.

I’m curious of Zen. (+1 Zen)
I am curious of Yoosung. (+1 Yoosung)
I’m curious of Jumin. (+1 Jumin)
What kind of person is Jaehee? (+1 Jaehee)
I am curious of 707. (+1 707)

You’re fun too. (+1 Jaehee)
I won’t avoid you haha.

Sleep tight.
Good night!
Good bye~

Day 1 End

~Day 2 Part 1~

Beberapa percakapan akan memiliki pilihan yang membuka pilihan lain.
  • (1) berarti Anda mendapatkan hati dari jawaban yang Anda pilih.
  • (-H) Berarti Anda kehilangan hati.

~Jaehee’s Announcement (00:38) – Jaehee

Are you still working, Jaehee? (+1 Jaehee)

Is something up?
You’ll get wrinkles if you sigh lol

It was wrong for him to do that. And visiting you that late at night? (+1 Jaehee)
I guess you don’t really like cats?

Next time, don’t open the door.
Ask him to pay you extra.

I doubt he’ll fire you. You’re good at your job. (+1 Jaehee)
Just get a new job!

I am not sure. (+1 Jaehee)
Everyone’s been nice so I’m not worried.
Zen’s so sexy I’m gonna get a heart attack.

I only want to be Zen’s fan. (+1 Jaehee)
You seem to be screaming out how much you want to stop being single? (-H)

Cheer up~!

~Zen Received Fan Letters (03:03) – Zen

Zen, whassup (+1 Zen)
You’re still awake~

What were you doing? (+1 Zen)
When are you going to bed?

I’m jealous…
You must feel good (+1 Zen)

Yup. Best to stay safe and focus on work.
You can date secretly. (+1 Zen)
Does your popularity have anything to do with you getting a girlfriend? (+1 Zen)

That might be best for both people.
Don’t be so weak. You’re not the only one who is lonely.

Aren’t the people from the organisation enough?
That just sounds like you want a girlfriend. (+1 Zen)

It won’t disappear. (+1 Zen)
Does your real family live far away?

Good luck~ (+1 Zen)
Good bye.

~Yoosung’s Omelette Rice (07:00) – Yoosung

Good morning, Yoosung.
So sleepy…

I did.
No. (+1 Yoosung)
Not yet.

Lololololol cooking’s not your thing.
Looks good. (+1 Yoosung)

You can. (+1 Yoosung)

You don’t have a girlfriend?

I guess lol (+1 Yoosung)
Oh my, so innocent~

I’m innocent lol (+1 Yoosung)

Good luck studying.

~Fight Over Cats (08:05) – Jaehee, Jumin

Jaehee, how is the cat? (+1 Jaehee)
Jumin, did you get your cat? (+1 Jumin)

A bit douchey;;
You must have good skills? (+1 Jumin)

I was only being honest.
Not; (+1 Jaehee)

When will the date be set?
When do you think we’ll hold the party?

Did V get depressed?
Was V deeply involved with Rika?

Jaehee, money’s the best~ (+1 Jumin)
It’s not about money. You have to respect Jaehee’s private life too. (+1 Jaehee)

Lolol (+1 Jumin)
I see that being an assistant is very hard… (+1 Jaehee)

Hope you take her back safe~ (+1 Jumin)
Jaehee, I’m glad it’s almost over for you, haha. (+1 Jaehee)

~Yoosung’s Thoughts (11:45) – Yoosung

Yoosung, did you have lunch?
Gah… I’m hungry.

Haha yeah.
Please be my cat, Yoosung.

We’ll see. (+1 Yoosung)
Ya (+1 Yoosung)

Do you miss him? Lol
I guess he’s busy.

Did you have lunch?
What are you doing right now?

I’m sure she’s well. (+1 Yoosung)
How was school today?

Good bye.
So soon? (+1 Yoosung)

~Zen Hates Cats (12:43) – Zen, 707

It’s the notorious 707!
Oh, 707. (+1 707)

Lolol you’re quite full of yourself.
Are you close with Yoosung? (+1 707)

Lol you’re here.
Zen, hello. (+1 Zen)

Which do you hate more, Jumin or cats? (+1 707)
You don’t like cats? (+1 Zen)

I think that’s abuse… (+1 Zen)
You must really like cats! (+1 707)

Mr. Chairman? …Golf?
What are you talking about?

What work? (+1 707)
Good bye.

~ 707 leaves ~

You should go too, Zen~
What do you think he meant? (+1 Zen)

Not yet.

Alright. Thank you for your concern. (+1 Zen)
I’ll take care of myself.

~Day 2 Part 2~

~Concerns from V and Zen (15:00) – Zen, V

Hello, V.
Wow… It’s really you!

I’m not sure yet.
I’m trying.

I know…
Hello, Zen~! (+1 Zen)

Not yet.

Someone must know that I’ve joined RFA.
That’s actually suspicious…

How did the word get out?
Someone’s not watching me, right?

How bad can it be?
I’m a bit scared.. T_T (+1 Zen)
Thank you for caring.

Don’t think that way. I’m fine. (+1 Zen)
I am a bit scared.

I guess V used to be more active before.
I think it will be fun. I hope we get to hold the party again. (+1 Zen)

Only one option. Receive emails from Rui

Good bye.
I will. Thank you.

I was thankful that he worried for me. (+1 Zen)
I wasn’t too flustered.

I hope he cheers up soon.
He must have loved her deeply.

Good bye.
See you later, Zen. (+1 Zen)

~Yoosoung’s Doubt (17:23) – Yoosoung, Jumin, 707

Oh, it’s Seven.
707 has entered. (+1 707)

Only one option.

You wanted to see V?
Yes. But he left soon.

What fun things? (+1 707)
That doesn’t sound too good;

Only one option.

~ Yoosoung enters ~

Nice to see you, Yoosung.
Hey~ Hey~ (+1 Yoosung)

Or… you can just hang with me and chat. Lol
We’ll find out soon, I guess.

~ Jumin enters ~

Hello (+1 Jumin)

Hmm? What do you think she’s doing?
Jaehee has a life of her own;

I’m bad at geography too lol (+1 Yoosung)
What subject do you like?
You have to study hard to earn a proper living.

Is Yoosung not getting along with V?
Did V do something wrong?

I heard that if people get really sad, they get colder instead.
Maybe V knows something that you don’t… (+1 Yoosung)

Don’t get too worked up.
Maybe he had his own reasons. (+1 Yoosung)

I think he’s hiding something. (+1 Yoosung)
I want to trust V. (+1 Jumin)
I want to see how things go. (+1 707)

Seven, maybe you watched too many soap operas? Lol (+1 Yoosung)
Quit being suspicious of each other~ (+1 Jumin)
Classic sister complex… (+1 707)

Seven seems to need the cat’s blessing. (+1 707)
We must protect animals. (+1 Yoosung)

I’ll be okay, right? T_T
I think he mentioned something about religion…

Only one option.

Still, you should eat properly;; (+1 Yoosung)
Sleep tight like a baby sheep. (+1 who? You get a white heart)

~ 707 leaves ~

He must be from a super rich family… (+1 Yoosung)
I prefer fried chicken and wine too lol (+1 Jumin)

Good bye, Jumin. (+1 Jumin)
Have fun playing^^ (+1 Yoosung)

~Zen with New Work (19:02) – Zen, Yoosoung

Yoosung, are you playing games? (+1 Yoosung)
Zen, are you done with work? (+1 Zen)

Got a date?

You must be starting a new piece~ Congratulations. (+1 Zen)
Ya i’m listenibn

T_T… Alright (+1 Zen)

Lololol good for you. (+1 Zen)
Such a narcissist. Lol (+1 Yoosung)

I think it’ll suit you well. (+1 Zen)

~ Yoosoung leaves ~

Do you want me to help you practice your lines? (+1 Zen)

Anytime ^^ (+1 Zen)
Okay. Good bye~

~Romance Novel Company (20:05) – Zen

Hello. Zen.
Zen, are you practicing your lines? (+1 Zen)

You want me to join?
Then why are you telling me…?

Sounds good. Receive emails from Romance Novel Company
A romance novel organisation is a bit…

Looking forward to your awesome performance. (+1 Zen)
Thank you for the good information.

~ You will receive an email from the Romance Novel Company after this conversation ~ Refer to email guide if you want answers to the replies you must give.

~Jaehee’s Support (21:35) – Jaehee

Hello, Jaehee.
How did the cat issue go, Jaehee? (+1 Jaehee)

I think so too. (+1 Jaehee)
I’m not really interested in that…
I think Zen’s pretty handsome lol

I’m not sure yet. I haven’t known him for long. (+1 Jaehee)
Why are you asking?

It’s nothing like that~. Don’t worry. (+1 Jaehee)
I don’t have feelings for Zen.
It’s none of your business. (-H)

Jaehee, do you have feelings for Zen?
Zen will be thankful. (+1 Jaehee)

You have a typo.

You have a kind heart. (+1 Jaehee)
I’ll cheer with you.

I’ll be off too.
It was nice talking to you. ^^ (+1 Jaehee)

Day 2 End

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